
24 Duregon Street, Stirling North


Are you looking for a spacious and conveniently located residential land to build your dream home? Look no further than this 1200m2 allotment for sale on Duregon Street! Located in a desirable location, this property is conveniently situated close to primary school, hotel and service station and directly opposite a park with a playground and basketball ring, making this an ideal location for families with children, who will have easy access to recreational activities. The land is fenced on three sides, water is connected, and power is available, making it easy for you to start building your dream home right away. This 1200m2 allotment is the last one available on Duregon Street, so don't miss out on this rare opportunity to secure a prime piece of real estate in this desirable location. Whether you're a first-time home builder or an experienced developer, this property is the perfect canvas on which to create your ideal living space.


ID# 11735100968

Land Area 1,200 sqm

Mick Gilbert

Mick Gilbert
0417 839 565

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